From the Desk of Tracy LaBreche:
The idea for the Liberty Blanket all started after I listened to the Off The Grid News radio show with Dr. Peter Lillback. That particular episode inspired me deeply. It was about the life of George Washington. As I listened, I couldn't help but think: This is why our country is in such shambles! It was founded by men of such integrity, such remarkable godly character, and we have failed to remember them and what they stood for! As a nation, we have not passed on to our children and grandchildren the great truths behind the foundations of our country!
I was angry. And inspired.
You see, throughout Scripture, God commanded His people to "remember." As a nation, the Israelites were commanded to remember the promises of God, they were commanded to remember the events they had gone through as a people, they were commanded to remember their forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
And time and time again, we see the consequences of the Israelites' forgetfulness. They worshipped other gods, they forgot about God's laws, they failed to pass on to their children their history. They forgot where they came from and what their vision was as a people. And they were always forced to remember as they suffered through hardships and trials. If they had a hard time remembering (as they often did), God would turn up the heat by raising up armies from other nations to judge the Israelites!
Sound familiar? It should, because...
Here we are at the same point as the Old Testament nation of Israel. The strong foundation America was built on has been forgotten. Now, the foundation has crumbled and the nation is collapsing.
Whether our forgetfulness has been intentional or merely through negligence, the fact remains: We are a people who have failed to remember. We have been complacent in our forgetfulness and we are beginning to see the consequences. Institutions that were once the cornerstones of our country's great liberty have been given over to those who hate our godly heritage and the liberty that flows from it.
I believe the time has come for us to start remembering so we can turn things around.
Sometimes we need a visual reminder to encourage us in day-to-day battles; something that at a glance gives us the strength and hope to keep on fighting. And right now, we are fighting a battle for our liberty, as well as the liberty of future generations.
We are seeing everything our founding fathers fought for, and the principles with which they fought, scorned in the public square. History has been taken out of context (like the infamous separation of church and state), twisted, revised, made politically correct, and we've come to a place where it seems up is down and down is up. This is hardly the America that the men of the Revolution died for.
Rather than remain frustrated and angry, I decided to do something about it. So I designed something that has a two-fold purpose. I call it the "Liberty Blanket." Not only can it be used to wrap up visiting grandchildren or as a decorative throw or conversation piece, but it is a little memorial of the war that was fought for us in this country, as well as a reminder of the battles that we have to keep on fighting.
Let me tell you a little more about the actual design...
The center of the throw is a twist on the "An Appeal to Heaven" flag flown on Washington's six cruiser ships in
the fall of 1775. I decided to use the words "Appeal to God" as it reminds us that our Founding Fathers weren't afraid or ashamed to use explicitly Christian words like Providence, Supreme Being, Almighty, or Creator. Yes, they were appealing to heaven, but most importantly, they were appealing to the Triune God.
Our founding fathers trusted in the hand of God and they knew that their Christian religion could not be separated from liberty. And they acknowledged that their rights and liberties could come from none other than a Sovereign Creator. Therefore, when the King of England broke covenant with the colonies, they had no other option than to seek an authority higher than the King -- they appealed to God.
Below the words "Appeal to God" is the once-famous Liberty Tree. In Boston, there was an actual tree where groups, such as the Sons of Liberty, would meet and this particular tree soon became known throughout Boston (and quickly spread to the other colonies) as The Tree of Liberty. Did you know? The tree was eventually chopped down by British loyalists, but to no avail… the symbol of liberty remained firmly planted and would fly from many a battle flag as our country declared its independence.
In the four corners of the Liberty Blanket, are symbols for the important institutions of our country: education, church, civil government, and justice. The founding fathers were men of remarkable character and wisdom, but they didn't get that way by chance. They were the beneficiaries of outstanding schooling, doctrinally sound preaching, solid civil foundations, and law -- and all of these were saturated with Christianity. These are areas that have been gradually lost through the course of our country's history -- and if we want to reclaim liberty for our children and grandchildren -- we need to take back these cornerstones.
The blanket is a double-layered 48" x 68" (with an approximate weight at 2.5 lbs). 100% cotton Jacquard woven blankets with fringe. They also are pre-washed, machine washable, and come with care instructions and they are made in the U.S.A!
I hope you'll join me in remembering the true source of our liberty by getting a Liberty Blanket today. They are normally $59.95, but are currently on sale for just $39.95. The quickest way to order is through this website. Just click the order button below to order your Liberty Blanket today.
You can also call 815-259-4552 or mail a check or money order for $39.95 plus $15.95 shipping and handling to:
Thank you for reading.
Tracy LaBreche
P.S. As a stay-at-home mom, I've always wanted to contribute in a bigger way -- beyond just my family and friends. I've wanted to help my fellow Americans wake up and remember their Christian heritage and the source of their liberty. And now, finally, I've been able to do that. I hope you'll join me by getting a Liberty Blanket and continuing to fight for the true liberty that can only come from God!